Handbuilding and Ceramics — HICKORY CLAY


Hickory Clay provides resources devoted to handbuilders.


The dedicated handbuilding area has an 8’ x 4’ table with a laminated work surface and bright, recessed can lights. A Shimpo slab roller sits adjacent to the space. We offer rubberized canvas mats for the slab roller which creates clean slabs that are free of texture.

A 7’ wooden, standing table in front of the windows is an alternative if you prefer standing.

Pinch cups with gold luster overglaze

Pinch cups with gold luster overglaze

Handbuilding area

Handbuilding area


Our collection of over thirty hump molds offers endless possibilities. Shapes include squares, ovals, and cones all varying in size. Forty options of slip with high quality paint brushes help with decoration. There are ten 8” rubber texture rollers and a set of rubber stamps. Additionally we have plywood and gypsum work boards plus Shimpo banding wheels.

A selection of plaster hump molds available

A selection of plaster hump molds available

A selection of colored slips available for use


  • White Porcelain Slip

  • Pinks: rose, dark pink, mauve, alpine rose

  • Oranges: sunset orange, mango, soft orange

  • Yellows: canary yellow, light yellow

  • Green: green celadon, chartreuse, grass green, lime green, sea green, forest green, Bermuda

  • Blues: navy, peacock, turquoise, sky blue, medium blue

  • Purples: pansy purple, violet

  • Blacks: black, silver, graphite

  • B-Mix Slip

  • 1C Grey Slip

  • B3 Dark Brown Slip

Hand sculpted baby animals

Porcelain stained with cobalt and iron